Guacamole with Japanese Pickles (One more Mile to Japan)

by Naomi

What is the Guacamole with Japanese Pickles?

Originally as you know, Guacamole is a popular Mexican cuisine served with pasted avocado, minced onion, tomato, and coriander. I’ve never been to Mexico though enjoyed the fresh flavor when I was in NYC – it was a perfect match with Doritos and light beer!

Since it’s still a while to restart our trip so here is my Guacamole recipe. Today I added a sense of Japan to feel a different flavor but it’s definitely flexible without it.

How to find Japanese pickles at your neighbor

Make your own

My first answer to get good pickles is DIY at your home! When I looked up I was so impressed that Amazon offers the homemade pickle starter which I never am able to find 5 years ago.

A homemade pickle is a simple, flexible, and safe choice for everyone wants to eat it like a daily snack. You don’t need to check the nutrition section for chemical seasonings or your hated veggies, just open your refrige and get it.

I made my effortless recipe here: take 3 min to discover whole new world!

Visit Asian supermarket / Amazon

You might be able to find them at your local supermarket. Make sure there’s an Asian or Japanese section, and basically they are stored in cold.

On Amazon I was trying to find a good one – but it doesn’t have much variety as I searched, unfortunately. Generally, the pickles should keep in fresh and I know it’s relatively uncommon food for foreigners.. please raise your voice to your local Amazon so we should achieve it someday!

How to Enjoy Guacamole with Japanese Pickles

Coming Soon!

Let’s Cook!


  • 2 avocado
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 30g of Japanese pickles
  • A couple of green chilies
  • 1 chilled tomato
  • 1 tbsp of salt


  1. Mince red onion, pickles, and chilies
  2. Scoop flesh of a tomato
  3. Mince the tomato’s rind
  4. Peel avocados and paste with a folk
  5. Mix well and season with salt

Naomi’s Note

Please treat tomatoes as your lady – requesting gentle and quick performance. You must move really quickly before tomato juice comes out, otherwise, it makes everything watery.

To prevent this, I highly recommend you refrigerate all ingredients and tools. The coolness helps you to keep the juice inside!

Guacamole ingridients

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1 comment

Nukazuke – Japanese Pickles (Easy Veggie) August 20, 2021 - 7:53 AM

[…] Avocado […]


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